Try Tanning

Living in Phoenix, Arizona means you’re used to that warmth of the sun! Get a really healthy glow by heading to your local tanning salon. If it’s too hot to tan outside, you can still be bronzed and beautiful! If you’re afraid you’ll end up looking like a lobster, follow the tips below and you’ll be glowing in no time.


— Know your skin type. If your skin tends to burn easily, you’ll probably be more sensitive to tanning beds. Start with a very small amount of time in the bed and wait a few days or even a week between sessions to keep from damaging your skin


— Don’t rush it. Even if you don’t have sensitive skin, you can still burn in the bed. Increase your time by two minutes each session to avoid burning.


— Use a good lotion! Organic Shimmer says this about tanning bed lotions, “There are so many different features to consider. For instance, there are indoor tanning lotions for tanning beds; bronze accelerators for a golden tone; moisturizing tanning lotion for better hydration; tingle tanning lotion; and one-time waterproof or sweat proof tanning lotions.”


— If you’ve been burned in the tanning bed, apply aloe vera to the burned areas and let them heal.


— Wear goggles. Protective eye wear in the tanning bed will keep your eyes safe. Find eyewear at a local tanning salon or online.


— To make your tan last, keep your skin moisturized with a good body lotion.


— Try adding tanning to your gym routine. Some people don’t like leaving tanning lotions on their skin, so after a workout when you’re already planning to shower is a great time to tan.


For those who are unable to use tanning beds, never fear! You can still have a healthy bronzed glow this year. From at-home self-tan products to spray tans, there are certainly alternatives for all skin types. Above all, be aware of what you’re doing and practice safe tanning procedures. Thanks for reading the Liv Ahwatukee blog today!
