The assortment of world-class amenities and entertainment options here at Liv Ahwatukee are a key feature in living life to the fullest. If you havent taken the time to enjoy our luxurious game hub, now is the chance! Decked out with a variety of modern and classic options, theres something here that will suit anyones taste. The pool table in particular is a community favorite, both for the ease of play and for the opportunity it creates to mingle and get to know your neighbors with a little friendly competition. For those of you who havent spent much time playing pool, heres a list of a few things to keep in mind as well as some terms you may not be familiar with. Different types of billiards games have a variety of rule sets dictating what is or isnt allowed as far as shots go. Be sure to talk about the rules and regulations of each game before playing! A standard set of billiard balls contains the following: 15 numbered balls, seven striped, eight solid, as well as one white ball known as the cue. The cue ball is typically the only one allowed to be directly struck by a player. Some games deviate from this, but most follow the rule. The act of setting up the balls before play is known as racking. Using the triangle, all balls are lined up and must have contact with one another to be considered appropriately set up. At one end of the table, there is a dotted mark in the middle. This is known as the foot spot and should be where the apex ball in a rack sits when lined up. The first shot of any pool game is known as the break and is done with the cue ball. Typically, the player who is breaking can choose to shoot the cue from whatever angle they prefer as long as the cue ball is behind a line known as the head string. Along the edges of the table, note a series of three diamonds between each pocket these, while utilized for making angled shots, are also used to denote the line of the head string. The middle diamonds on the opposite end of the table from the foot spot and racked pool balls are the barrier of the head string. When breaking, players must keep the cue ball behind this line. Additionally, should a player scratch by pocketing the cue ball, some game rules say the cue must be placed behind the head string line when brought back onto the table. When playing, be mindful of other players by not standing behind a pocket or leaning on the table during another persons shot. Doing so is considered impolite and may distract the other player from their shot. Are you looking forward to playing pool in Liv Ahwatukees game hub? Have pool stories of your own to share? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below!