Train for a Race

Our fitness center is a great place to train and reach all your physical fitness goals. Running a marathon or 5k might seem out of reach but we have a great training plan to share.


Find a race here that you can train for. There are plenty of races here in the Phoenix, AZ area. There are lots coming up in the New Year. Allow yourself about 12-16 weeks to train for a marathon. Figure out just what will keep you motivated as you train. Even if you are just trying to get in shape, a training schedule is a great way to track your progress and keep yourself going.


From Popsugar we found this training schedule. The site says, “If you have a few 5Ks and 10Ks under your belt, you're probably thinking about running your first half marathon. Doubling your racing distance means building endurance by increasing your weekly mileage. Don't be daunted by this! Try this 16-week training schedule that adds miles safely. There are cross-training, strength-training and stretching, and rest days built into the program to help prevent injury. Plus, the long runs are on Saturdays when you have time to go the distance, giving you Sundays to recover.”


When you’re training be sure to wear the correct clothing. Shoes that fit well and support your feet will help to avoid injury. Clothing that is breathable but won’t get in the way is really important as well.


Try listening to music or an audio book while training. This can help you focus elsewhere while your body works so hard.


Be sure to fuel and hydrate your body while training. This isn’t just your typical workout. You’ll need to make sure you are consuming enough to fuel yourself.


As it gets so warm in Arizona, some people opt to train early in the morning before the day gets too hot. It’s important to find what works best for you. Good luck training! Thanks for reading the Liv Ahwatukee Blog!
