If you’re planning a celebration for the big game next month in your apartment or elsewhere in Phoenix, AZ, we’ve got some ideas for you. Of course, it’s about more than just the game. The food and decorations really set the scene.
We like this DIY football field party table idea from A Night Owl Blog. Head to the site for pictures and a step-by-step how to!
What you’ll need:
Green felt (enough to cover your table surface)
White duct tape
White vinyl
Die cutting machine or pre-cut numbers
The steps:
Simply cover the table surface with the green felt (I purchased mine from Hobby Lobby with 40% off coupon, with measurements for my kitchen island), and tape it down to secure.
Mark off where you want the yard lines for your football field and use white duct tape to create the line.
Cut yardline “numbers” out of white vinyl with your die cutting machine. If you don’t have a machine you could buy pre-cut numbers or trace and cut them out by hand.
Stick the numbers down around the duct tape lines.
For some delicious snacks, check out this idea for a Nacho Bar from The Magical Slow Cooker. The site says, “This nacho bar is easy to do, and people really get excited about making their own nachos. This recipe is a great idea for any party. My sister-in-law did a nacho bar for my niece’s graduation party, and they had about 100 guests! The Teenagers loved the nacho bar (well, and me too). If you are doing a giant party, it may be easier to do canned nacho cheese, warehouse stores sell giant cans of cheese! But this recipe is made with velveeta cheese, sour cream, taco sauce and milk.”
We hope you love these ideas and have fun celebrating as you watch the game! Thanks for reading Liv Ahwatukee blog!